AA -- The Acts of the Apostles
AH -- The Adventist Home
1BC -- The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, vol. 1 (2BC etc. for vols. 2-7)
CG -- Child Guidance
CH -- Counsels on Health
CM -- Colporteur Ministry
COL -- Christ's Object Lessons
CS -- Counsels on Stewardship
CSW -- Counsels on Sabbath School Work
CT -- Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students
DA -- The Desire of Ages
Ed -- Education
Ev -- Evangelism
EW -- Early Writings
FE -- Fundamentals of Christian Education
GC -- The Great Controversy
GW -- Gospel Workers
HP -- In Heavenly Places
HS -- Historical Sketches of the Foreign Missions of the Seventh-Day Adventists
Lt. -- Ellen G. White Letter
LS -- Life Sketches of Ellen G. White
Ms -- Ellen G. White Manuscript
MB -- Thoughts From the Mount of Blessing
2MCP -- Mind, Character, and Personality, vol. 2
MH -- The Ministry of Healing
ML -- My Life Today
MM -- Medical Ministry
MYP -- Messages to Young People
OHC -- Our High Calling
PK -- Prophets and Kings
PP -- Patriarchs and Prophets
RH -- Review and Herald
SC -- Steps to Christ
SD -- Sons and Daughters of God
3SG -- Spiritual Gifts, vol. 3
SL -- The Sanctified Life
1SM -- Selected Messages, book one
2SM -- Selected Messages, book two
3SM -- Selected Messages, book three
SpT Series A -- Special Testimonies, Series A
SR -- The Story of Redemption
ST -- Signs of the Times
SW -- Southern Watchman
1T -- Testimonies for the Church, vol. 1 (2T etc. for vols. 2-9)
TM -- Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers
TMK -- That I May Know Him
WM -- Welfare Ministry
YI -- Youth's Instructor