he went: When he was at Bethel, the tribe of Ephraim and all the northern parts of the country could attend him; when at Gilgal, the tribe of Benjamin and those beyond Jordan could have easy access to him; and when at Mizpeh, he was within the reach of Judah, Simeon, and Gad, but at Ramah was the place of his ordinary abode; and there he held his court, for there he judged Israel, and as it is probable that Shiloh was destroyed, it is said - 1Sa 8:17 that there, i.e., at Ramah, "he built an altar to the Lord."
in circuit: Heb. and he circuited, Jdg 5:10, Jdg 10:4, Jdg 12:14, Psa 75:2, Psa 82:3, Psa 82:4
Reciprocal: Gen 31:46 - an heap Jos 15:38 - Mizpeh 1Sa 7:5 - Mizpeh 1Sa 11:14 - let us go 2Ki 4:38 - Elisha 2Ch 16:6 - Mizpah Hos 9:15 - is in Rom 13:6 - attending