desiring: 2Ti 4:9, 2Ti 4:21, Rom 1:11, Rom 15:30-32, Phi 1:8, Phi 2:26, 1Th 2:17-20, 1Th 3:1
being: Act 20:19, Act 20:31, Act 20:37, Act 20:38, Rev 7:17, Rev 21:4
filled: Psa 126:5, Isa 61:3, Jer 31:13, Joh 16:22, Joh 16:24, 1Jo 1:4
Reciprocal: Gen 43:30 - wept there Mar 9:24 - with Act 11:23 - seen Act 15:36 - and see Act 21:13 - to weep Rom 1:12 - that I may Rom 15:23 - and Phi 2:28 - ye see Col 1:9 - do 2Jo 1:12 - that