preacheth: Act 4:12, 1Ti 2:5
receive: 1Co 12:4-11, Gal 3:2, Eph 4:4, Eph 4:5
another gospel: Gal 1:7, Gal 1:8
with him: or, with me
Reciprocal: Job 13:2 - General Pro 28:10 - causeth Act 18:14 - bear Rom 1:11 - that 1Co 1:13 - Christ 1Co 4:6 - these 1Co 12:3 - no man 1Co 14:37 - any 2Co 3:8 - the ministration 2Co 6:6 - by the 2Co 10:7 - even 2Co 11:1 - bear with me a 2Co 12:12 - General Gal 1:6 - unto Gal 2:8 - the same Eph 4:14 - tossed