labour: 1Co 9:6, Act 18:3, Act 20:34, 1Th 2:9, 2Th 3:8, 1Ti 4:10
being reviled: Mat 5:44, Luk 6:28, Luk 23:34, Act 7:60, Rom 12:14, Rom 12:20, 1Pe 2:23, 1Pe 3:9, Jud 1:9
being persecuted: Mat 5:11, 1Pe 3:14, 1Pe 4:12-14, 1Pe 4:19
Reciprocal: 1Ki 13:14 - sitting Psa 89:51 - they have Mat 26:52 - Put Joh 9:28 - they 1Co 9:12 - but 1Co 9:15 - I have 1Co 9:27 - I keep 2Co 6:4 - necessities 2Co 11:27 - in hunger Eph 1:1 - which Phi 4:11 - in respect 1Th 4:11 - to work