as though: Rom 3:3, Rom 11:1, Rom 11:2, Num 23:19, Isa 55:11, Mat 24:35, Joh 10:35, 2Ti 2:13, Heb 6:17, Heb 6:18
they are not: Rom 2:28, Rom 2:29, Rom 4:12-16, Joh 1:47, Gal 6:16
Reciprocal: Gen 17:19 - Sarah Gen 17:21 - my Psa 59:5 - the heathen Psa 73:1 - to such Psa 77:8 - doth Isa 45:4 - Jacob Isa 45:25 - the seed Isa 48:1 - which are Eze 39:28 - and have Mic 2:7 - named Luk 1:33 - the Rom 4:11 - father Rom 9:4 - are Israelites 1Jo 2:19 - they might Rev 2:9 - which