and showed: Luk 9:10, 1Sa 25:12, Mat 15:12, Mat 18:31, Heb 13:17
being: Luk 14:24, Psa 2:12, Mat 22:7, Mat 22:8, Heb 2:3, Heb 12:25, Heb 12:26, Rev 15:1-8, Rev 19:15
Go: Luk 24:47, Pro 1:20-25, Pro 8:2-4, Pro 9:3-4, Jer 5:1, Zec 11:7, Zec 11:11, Mat 21:28-31, Joh 4:39-42, Joh 7:47-49, Joh 9:39, Act 8:4-7, Jam 2:5, Rev 22:17
the poor: Luk 14:13, Luk 7:22, Luk 7:23, 1Sa 2:8, Psa 113:7, Psa 113:8, Mat 11:5, Mat 11:28
the halt: Psa 38:7, Isa 33:23, Isa 35:6
Reciprocal: Pro 8:3 - General Son 3:2 - the streets Eze 17:23 - under Mat 13:47 - and gathered Mat 15:31 - the maimed Mat 20:7 - Go Mat 22:9 - General Mar 9:43 - maimed Mar 16:15 - Go Heb 4:6 - some