no: Mat 6:11, Mat 6:25, Exo 16:18-20, Lam 3:23
for: Deu 33:25, 1Ki 17:4-6, 1Ki 17:14-16, 2Ki 7:1, 2Ki 7:2, Luk 11:3, Heb 13:5, Heb 13:6
Sufficient: Joh 14:27, Joh 16:33, Act 14:22, 1Th 3:3, 1Th 3:4
Reciprocal: Exo 16:19 - General 1Sa 9:5 - take thought Ecc 2:22 - and of the Ecc 3:22 - who Mat 10:19 - take Phi 4:5 - your 1Pe 5:7 - Casting