after: Mat 5:46, Mat 5:47, Mat 20:25, Mat 20:26, Psa 17:14, Luk 12:30, Eph 4:17, 1Th 4:5
for your: Mat 6:8, Psa 103:13, Luk 11:11-13, Luk 12:30
Reciprocal: Exo 16:4 - a certain rate every day Deu 29:5 - your clothes 1Ki 19:6 - cake Psa 34:10 - but Psa 37:18 - knoweth Psa 132:15 - I will satisfy Mat 6:7 - the heathen Mat 6:26 - your Mat 10:20 - your Mat 15:32 - and have Mat 18:14 - your Mat 23:9 - for Mar 8:2 - and have Mar 8:33 - savourest Luk 11:13 - heavenly 1Co 10:28 - for 1Th 3:11 - God 1Ti 6:6 - godliness 1Ti 6:17 - who