And it: There is a peculiar grandeur, as well as propriety, in this method of predicting Nebuchadnezzar's rapid successes. The God of Israel, declaring himself to be the Lord of armies, and the Creator and Owner of the whole earth, with all its inhabitants and productions, and claiming full sovereignty over his creatures, avows his determination, for reasons he does not deign to assign, to give all the countries of the world to the king of Babylon, whom he calls his servant, because he would accomplish an important part of his most righteous designs. They, therefore, who would escape the most dreadful judgments, must submit to the God of Israel, by submitting to Nebuchadnezzar; they must hearken to the prophets of Israel, and not to their own diviners; and they must observe, that Nebuchadnezzar, his son, and his grandson, would whatever opposition should be made, possess the full dominion of all these countries, till the appointed time was expired; and then, these haughty conquerors would in their turn become the prey of other powerful conquerors; all of which was most exactly fulfilled.
that nation: Jer 25:28, Jer 25:29, Jer 38:17-19, Jer 40:9, Jer 42:10-18, Jer 52:3-6, Eze 17:19-21
with the sword: Jer 24:10, Eze 14:21
Reciprocal: Deu 2:21 - but the Lord 2Ki 10:5 - We are thy servants 2Ki 25:1 - Nebuchadnezzar Neh 3:5 - put not Job 34:29 - whether Jer 4:7 - destroyer Jer 27:11 - General Jer 27:12 - Bring Jer 27:13 - by the sword Jer 32:3 - Behold Jer 32:29 - and set Lam 1:14 - yoke Lam 5:5 - Our necks are under persecution