Sanctify: The word kadash is to consecrate, separate, and set apart a person or thing from all common or secular purposes to some religious use; and exactly answers to the Greek αγιαζω, from α, privative, and γη, the earth; because everything offered or consecrated to God was separated from all earthly uses. Exo 13:12-15, Exo 4:22, Exo 22:29, Exo 22:30, Exo 23:19, Exo 34:19, Exo 34:20, Lev 27:26, Num 3:13, Num 8:16, Num 8:17, Num 18:15, Deu 15:19, Luk 2:23, Heb 12:23
Reciprocal: Num 7:1 - sanctified them Neh 10:36 - the firstborn Eze 16:20 - thy sons Eze 44:30 - all the firstfruits Mat 1:25 - she