the sons of Athaliah: As Jehoram's sons, Ahaziah excepted, whether by Athaliah or any other, were all slain before his death - 2Ch 22:1, this spoilation of the temple must have taken place in his life-time. 2Ch 21:17
that wicked: 2Ch 28:22-24, Est 7:6, Pro 10:7, 2Th 2:8, Rev 2:20
the dedicated: 2Ki 12:4
did they bestow: Deu 32:15-17, Eze 16:17-21, Dan 5:2-4, Dan 5:23, Hos 2:8, Hos 2:9, Hos 2:13
Reciprocal: 2Ki 11:1 - Athaliah 2Ki 12:5 - let them repair 2Ki 22:5 - to repair