Forgive: Mat 6:12, Mat 6:14, Mat 6:15, Mat 18:35, Luk 17:3, Luk 17:4, Eph 4:32, Col 3:12, Col 3:13
they did: Gen 50:20, Job 33:27, Job 33:28, Psa 21:11, Pro 28:13, Jam 5:16
servants: Gen 31:42, Gen 49:25, Mat 10:42, Mat 25:40, Mar 10:41, Gal 6:10, Gal 6:16, Phm 1:8-20
wept: Gen 42:21-24, Gen 45:4, Gen 45:5, Gen 45:8
Reciprocal: Gen 31:5 - the God 1Ki 17:18 - art thou come Psa 81:1 - the God Psa 146:5 - the God Luk 23:34 - Father Rom 6:22 - become 1Th 2:11 - as